Instagram for beginners

Instagram is not just for being social

Instagram has a worldwide audience of 800 million, and it’s growing so fast that by the time you get to the end of this (rather long) sentence, it will have picked up several thousands more.

Instagram’s marketing power is unrivalled. There are over 25 million brand accounts on Instagram, and 80% of users follow at least one of them. If your business isn’t on Instagram, you’re missing an opportunity.

This course is ideal if you’re a beginner, and also if you’ve used Insta before but want to make more of its marketing potential.

Course content includes:

  • Optimising your Instagram profile
  • Your target audience, and how to attract them
  • Setting objectives and creating a strategy for your Instagram marketing
  • What to post, and when to post
  • The most valuable hashtags for your business
  • Imaginative ideas for the visual style of your business
  • How to create fantastic, professional looking images (even if you’re not great at photography)
  • Time-saving automation and scheduling
  • A beginner’s guide to copyright law
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Betty Smith, Power Teacher
Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.

Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Andy Smith, Power Teacher


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Interested? Its easy to get started!

Just call Cale or Clare on 01424 864 345 or
07484 805 545 and we can have a chat about what you need.

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